Stories of the heART

Have you ever felt the need to express your emotions but you don't know where to start? Did you ever feel frustrated about life? Do you want to absorb positivity and live in peace?

On most days, with the multitude of ideas that I want to do and implement all at the same time, I get frustrated. I am pissed off. Instead of lashing out that negative energy out where people absorb it and affect them, I paint. I paint, and paint, and paint. The strokes will always tell stories. Might as well convert that negativity into something beautiful, right? This is what I painted a couple of days ago as a result of that stress and frustration:


Kimi Lu (life coach), Geli Balcruz (calligrapher and mandala artist), and I have prepared a half day art retreat for people who want to express stories of their hearts through art. There will be guided abstract painting sessions, mandala making and calligraphy writing, and temperament life coaching. Together, let's start pushing for a more positive form of art!

If you want to join, check out the event page link here